Thursday, December 02, 2004

fun with vinyl

I read in New York Press - that you can make bowls from vinyl records. Which is definitely kinda cool. So I did make about 6 of them. Kinda fun.

Its one of those nights I haven't had in a long time. A lot of stuff getting thrown around my head - and being really tired - and not enough sleep.

Lots of stuff falling right around the holidays. People passing away, bad situations, and my own shit - just getting to me. So it's frustrating as things are good, other things suck. I guess yesterday was a really good day, and today had to balance that out. Tomorrow's a new day - a long one again - but a good one I hope.

Its getting hard for me to worry so much about money, but I know what my end goal wants to be like. Its taxing (no pun intended) to think about every purchase. Like I didn't buy a soda for lunch today cuz it would save me $2. Which is kinda crazy, but at the same time if I don't buy a soda 50 times, thats $100. And I know there's some ski trips coming up that I will not miss. So I'll sacrifice other things. Like a diet soda.

Time to put the rest of my clothes away.

Go here and vote for anyone except Kris Randazzo.


1 comment:

Karen said...

I thank you and my boy thanks you for that.