Thursday, December 02, 2004

Bubble fun

be sure to click the link - hours of fun.

today was a long long day - but a really good one. One that reminded me of a lot of things, that I may have been neglecting. First - i grabbed some cds - I've been neglecting some of my old rock stuff - Nine Inch Nails & Smashing Pumpkins in particular. I was very late to my meeting due to rain and the traffic on the NJ Turnpike, but the meeting was suprisingly good. It was on racism - which are normally pretty boring. But this was the best one i've ever heard. Talking about how race plays a role in therapy and things like that. But giving concrete examples, not just generalizations.

I had lunch with DJ Billy - who I haven't seen in months. It was great to catch up and talk about good stuff, despite him having 2 cracked ribs from a fall he took in LA. The dangers of being a DJ.

After I got on the ferry - (this is kinda where I think fate takes place) i needed to use the bathroom, and there isn't one in the terminal, so i waited till i got on the boat. I took a trip around the boat and then back again to find it. When I passed, Warren, one of the people that spoke about racism at the seminar. We talked for the rest of the ride about family therapy, racism and the world. It was really cool.

All of these things today reminded me of some of the goals I have, things I want to pursue now and things I want to pursue when I'm married and afterwards.

Kind of a refreshing day to some extent, but now its time for my body to refresh. In bed. Nite all


PS - December 18, 2004 - Pure in Philly

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