Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Sometimes I Just Don't Understand...

Here are two articles I read today - (Neither about PETA, Jillian!) The first is about these anti-gay protestors that picket at the funerals of those that lost their lives in Iraq.

The most disturbing line is this "His protesters carry signs thanking God for so-called IEDs -- explosives that are a major killer of soldiers in Iraq." Really what I do like about the article is they talk about the Patriot Guard Riders who are a group of 5,000 strong bikers that are there to counter the protestors.

Motorcyclists Roll to Soldiers' Funerals

Article #2 - Is this port selling debacle. Now I don't know how I feel - but it was funny since my Bush supporting father's first comment was that Mr. Pres would be outraged. On the contrary...

Bush Says Port Deal 'Ought to Go Forward'

So thats today's news - tune in next time where I will talk about how we almost went bowling in the city for $400.


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