Thursday, October 28, 2004

bloggies - how ya doing?

ok don't shoot the messenger on this one - i heard this on KROCK today -

what do you call 25 people watching the world series?

The Yankees

Funny, yet wrong, which made it more funny. All I can ever hear is Psycho Mark yelling "Go Sawks" - I did see O&A on the John McEnroe show last night. Which just made me think. O&A on tv? John McEnroe has a talk show? The Sox win the World Series? Ok I said it yesterday. Hell is freezing over. Although I must say I had to listen to O&A - i couldn't watch the TV. It was def wierd to see the voices come out of them. And not that i haven't seen pics of them and knew who was who. It was just wierd. But they do still have it. Talking about a 2 point conversion on CNBC.


blog on me, blog on me

does everyone hear that? I'm sure you do. That is hell freezing over. Boston wins a world series. Tomorrow I win lotto, and next week Kerry becomes president. I mean it all seems fitting to me. And you know what, I like it! Well I won't if Bush is elected. But anyways. I'm updating with my set from Saturday, some pics, and some remixes. So feel free to download your asses off. If you click the link at the title bar you'll go to a video for a song called "Call On Me" by Eric Prydz. It samples Steve Winwood's "Valerie." A really off beat sample, but a good one. So many house tracks using small off beat (well, on beat, really) samples, to make some fresh tracks. But the video makes the video for Olivia Newton John's "Physical" seem like it should be on Nick Jr. - along with the Backyardigans! Tyrone the Moose Motherfuckers!

Well I need to be up in 5 hours - so its bed time for me. Looking forward to going to North Carolina for the weekend, to see what a real university's homecomeing and Halloween party's like.


Wednesday, October 27, 2004

when i feel that dirtyfilthy blog

So its Tuesday - and right now I'm putting up my set from Saturday night in Philly on Which rocked. Again - I so wish more people could've been there, and I really hurt someone that did come down - but aside from that we had a blast. The crippled Fiance came to support me and fell asleep in the DJ booth. My ears stopped ringing earlier today - and she was able to fall asleep. Just another amazing thing about her.

Well the whole night was teriffic. I had a blast (and enough alcohol to kill a small country) - I was forbidden by Tom and Marvin to play a lot of my favorites, so I had to come up with a new selection of classic Frank Manzo songs to throw in. You know its a good night when you're outside and there are people saying "cun-ty, cun-ty, cun-ty." And hearing "beat that bitch" did bring back a lot of memories. While talking to Billy - we figured out that would be a great song to play at the wedding. We had a teriffic night, and many were missed! Look at Decemeber for another date. Whoo Hoo.

Aside from that the weekend was good - got together all the engagement party invitations - notice how GAG is part of enGAGement. Coincidence? I think not. So family is December 5th on SI @ Carmens - Friends are at Sarah's house in Chester on November 19th.

Last night me and the Fiance (just trying to get used to saying it) went to see Jamie Cullum ( at the Jazz Standard in the city. What a cool little place - that served Caparinia - and we got to see a great show. I've never been to a jazz show and it was really cool to watch. He plays lots of covers as well as originals. But cool covers - like Radiohead's High & Dry and The Neptune's Frontin'. As well as Frank Sinatra's "I get a kick out of you." So that was a fun night - which we're not going to be able to have many of cuz we need to save boatloads of money for the wedding and life after it.

We're off to North Carolina this weekend. To save money, we're driving and it'll be one of the last places we'll see outside of NY/NJ together for a while. So thats all for now. Till next time


Friday, October 22, 2004

face down ass up thats the way i like to blog

So its the night after my birthday - what a week its been. Although i must say tonite i'm not feeling 100% about myself. Not that i'm feeling bad for myself, cuz things are really great. I'm just kinda sad. I got 2 of the coolest birthday gifts from the fiance. 1 - a gift certificate to go bobsledding! fucking bobsledding. Or maybe I should call it bob-o-sledding!! Some of you will get that. And she also got all of my dj passes framed. a really cool gift. although i have yet to figure out where to put it, but she also kinda made it sound like the first piece of to go in our place whenever we get one. I got the sacred trilogy and i'm also going skydiving.

What i really can't shake is that my birthday party - which i thought i made clear was what i really wanted people to come to - will only have 3 people from NY and NJ. That includes Sarah, well if she can walk - due to a severely bruised foot. Tom and Marvin are coming, and that is teriffic. Although I must say I was (am) prepared to go down to Philly alone. I know people have stuff to do, other people to see, other places to be. I guess its just that people seemed really excited when I originally said "hey I'm dj-ing in Philly for my b-day" and lots of people said they were going to come. Well obviously things change, but I'm def upset that most of my friends aren't going to make it. I thought it was understood that it was important, but i guess it's kinda been over shadowed by other happenings. An engagement, as well as the other party I helped throw last Friday. So I've actually just been on the phone for like 2 hours - talking to Marvin about this, as well as about some music for Saturday. So I'm pretty done being sad and moved on to being excited that I get to play on Saturday. Took some of my old favorites with me, and my plan is to have another fun filled evening. Thats all I can do, and all I want. Is to have fun, and I don't think anything can stop me from having fun when I DJ.

So thats really it. It's 1:45am and I have clothes to put away and some more to pack up. Happy Birthday Karen! Happy Birthday Angela! And a happy birthday to anyone else that's a Libra - or ok - even some of those Scorpios. Nite All.


PS - I'm not usually big on propoganda - but this is pretty crazy

Sunday, October 17, 2004

my blog is your blog, your blog is my blog

Well in case you haven't heard already - me and Sarah got engaged on Friday. We're really excited and its all getting crazy 3 days in. We're looking at Sept/Oct 2006. But absoluetly nothing is set - just so you all know. I'm not sure if she believes it all yet, as well as somehow things don't entirely feel different. So it's all pretty crazy and really fun. Here's my version of what happened:

it ended up being anti-climactic - i picked up the ring thrusday and once i saw her on friday i couldn't hold back - I wanted to wait - to do it all in a stereotypical right way - but it ended up being in my bedroom at my house - then followed by a birthday party at a bar by my house -- not the ideal situation - not what i thought of or planned for - but its the way it happened - i was too excited and nervous to hold it in. Life is good.

I started my new job this past week, which I also feel is great. So far I really like the work and the people. Seems like a place that will not beat me up the way my last one did.

So aside from that I'm Dj-ing in Philly on Saturday which will be great. I know few of you can make it, and that sucks; but hopefully there will be a next time and some of you can make it to that.

Here's a link that will make you love John Stewart more than you may already do.



Tuesday, October 12, 2004

10,000 Screaming Bloggers

jesus - i'm glad to see that my friends can read. Goldman - i quoted you just as you said it. It didn't mean you would, and shit that does also require a girl that will take a 1 hr ride in the FRONT of your car. Sometimes it makes me wonder why its such a big deal. I will ask you all to come down there 1x and 1x only. Most of you have said "Ok, I'll go sometime" (not Goldman) and I can't think of a better time than my b-day for that. Everyone thats gone down there has had a good time. Girls and guys, and that includes my brother. I will never ask anyone again to come down after Oct 23rd, except in my dj e-mail updates. You will all know I'm there and can make your own decisions about coming down.

I mean I don't want this to be bigger than it is. I'm dj-ing an afterhours club called Pure in Philly. It draws a gay crowd, there are straight people. At the end of the night there are about 800 people (gay, straight, male, female, other) on the dancefloor that just enjoyed the music I played. This is what I do, and I love it. Its free to get in for my friends, and you'll get 1-2 free drinks. More than that, I don't know what to tell you.

I'd love to see everyone down there, you've all been supportive over the years coming to jimmy's, exit, discotheque, centrofly and even the waterloo. I've never felt as comfortable as I do in Philly, despite the fact that its 11 days away and I'm nervous. It means a lot when people come down, and thats why I'm doing all I can to accomodate you guys. I don't want this to be a guilt trip of any sort, its just the way I feel about DJing and giving back to my friends.

I need to know by this Friday if you need a room in Philly, and by next Thursday if you're coming. That way all can be on the guestlist.


Anyways, my first day of work was great. I think this job will be so much better than my previous ones. My commute is about 8 minutes, my pay is more than I've made before, and most importantly less stress and paperwork. So thats all for now people. Glad to hear good things for other people - like karen (her movie), jillian (her makeup job) and mike (for riding a stallion). till next time -


Monday, October 11, 2004

Blog if you want to - Blog around the world

so what's today's song?

It was a good weekend - one I didn't work! or have any plans! holy shit - its been about 4 years since I had a weekend like that one. It was a good weekend. I did work at the Loo on Saturday - a funny thing happened. Jack was in there saying how it would be uncomfortable for him to come to Pure in Philly on October 23rd for my birthday (shameless plug), and said that the people there would have attitude because he was straight. Which I found ridiculous, cuz gay places have about 99% less attitude than straight places. All around, from the bouncers to the bartenders, to the people on the dancefloor. However, Jack made a point to say it would be strange to see gay people in the Waterloo, and since the most I've ever seen is 2 at the same time (tom and marvin) I sort-of agreed. Untill about 10 mins after Jack leaves a group of about 4 gay guys and 2 lesbians walk in. I almost died at that moment. Just for the irony. Figured I'd share, and for the record - Goldman said today in the gym that if he had a girlfriend he would probably go to Philly. That's a step! And for those that keep saying "there are guys with their shirts off in the pics" - all I say, is look at any club anywhere at the end of the night. As a general rule - I say leave your shirt on.

So - I begin my new job tomorrow - so I'll try and keep everyone updated here. Def won't be able to spend as much time in front of this computer.

Remember we got birthday parties coming up! This friday @ the Clubhouse in SI, next Saturday in Philly @ Pure. for more details!


Thursday, October 07, 2004

who let the blogs out?

so its blog #2 - just had a bizarre night. and yes its wednesday. IHOP - is apparently the International House of the Paranormal on staten island. Me and Dr. Spielzinger went out to get some food, and it was strange. Our waitress was insane. has no idea what was going on. then we saw a kid with (and i shit you not) an IHOP turban. then a family came in - at about 12:30am and they were talking about praying and such. At this point we were waiting for ashton kutcher to come out and say we've been punked. unfortunately that didn't happen. we figured by the end a blue smoke was going to come through the streets turning this already strange night into a rerun of the twilight zone. We hoped that when we left we'd still have our memory and that we'd know where we were.

So we talked about other stuff too - which was great. reminicing and making new memories. I think its important for people to do that. Cuz as much as you want to have old friends and hold on to old memories, you must try to create new ones. Or else all you end up doing is talking about the same old shit you did drunk one night in college where you woke up in small red underwear. or maybe thats just me, and um i don't know who else there was to reminise with, I woke up alone.

So thats the TMIB (Too Much Information Blog) for the week. Enjoy your day people. Stop bitching about stuff.

Nathaniel - "You're alive, you can do anything you want."
David - "It can't be that simple"
Nathaniel - "What if it is?"

Thats my advice for the day. The daily trivia of replacing a song line with the word "blog" has already happened. I want title and artist people!


Wednesday, October 06, 2004

My first Bloogie

ok people - i did it - you won't be getting a blog from me often - no hourly updates - you'll prob get some bizarre news, strange pics and some selfish promtions from I'd love comments on anything - especially from those that 1) have sex with me, 2) are on medications, and 3) breathe oxygen. Fortunately at the current time only 2 out of those 3 are possible simultaneously.

Welcome to my world, welcome to my world, welcome to my world of blogs.